
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Divine Detour

This post won't revolve around my typical subjects of fashion, food, and foolery. I'm not sure how many people actually take the time to read this blog, or if opening up about personal matters is a great idea ~*!#^ this isn't Tumblr ^#!*~ , but I do know that if I can encourage just one person then writing this message is worth it.
I've always considered myself a religious person, I've always believed in a loving God, and I've always trusted life would be worth enduring any amount of pain. That doesn't mean I haven't faced adversity and found myself completely weakened by the throes of everyday life. I recently opened up Pandora's box and allowed myself to succumb to habits I have fought so hard to overcome since 2010. Unlike last time though, I had undergone a complete transformation from Christ. When I took time off from college I attended a Discipleship Training Program with a church near my home. This experience allowed me to grow closer to God, especially after my rather unspectacular downfall. Some of the greatest things I became aware of included how unfailing God's love is, how strong His forgiveness is, and how glorious His plans for us are.
Being separated from a healthy spiritual environment (like a church) leaves space for drifting. I attended DTS back in 2012. Although everything I learned during my journey still resides in my heart it's a lot harder to put it into practice. When I am faced with some of my most difficult trials I become discouraged and unnerved. I've been stuck in this funk for a couple months now and I have days that are seemingly complacent and others that are miserable. I was able to see my parents this weekend and they were such a blessing (as they always are); they helped me redirect my energies towards Him. If you're in a pickle never hesitate to ask for help. I've been praying more often and doing that alone has helped me lighten the burden and stress on my shoulders. Another great thing you can do to enhance your relationship with Jesus is listen to worship music. YouTube has some spectacular playlists available that allow you to listen to over three hours of uninterrupted praises from Hillsong United, Chris Tomlin, and For King & Country.  I find that my blood runs less thick and my thoughts more coherently if I'm listening to worship music. It puts me in such an inspired mood.
So when the going gets rough, or if the whole world seems to be working against you, do not forget that God is on your side. He wants you to succeed and be happy. Your happiness is His happiness. He has amazing plans for every single one of us and they are much brighter than what we could imagine for ourselves. Trust in Him!

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